Monthly Archives: July 2012

A History of Hats at Horse Races

When you think of the Kentucky Derby or the Del Mar Races, the image of a large glamorous hat will likely come to mind.  We’re going to take you back in time a little and give you a brief history of racing fashion and why we still love the look today.


In the early 1900s, horse racing was the sport of the elite and affluent. With high bids on the table, the spectators took an opportunity to showcase their wealth and status through couture fashion.  At the time, hats were fading out of mainstream fashion. This only made wearing a fabulous hat more iconic and exclusive.  Despite the fluctuation of trends, hats continued to be a mainstay for derbys. 

In addition to being an opportunity to display their place in society, women and men found that wearing hats at such public events gave them the chance to show off individuality and carefully thought-out personal style. The Derby became an exhibition of fashionistas, both classic and cutting edge.

Today we see an array of derby hats from home-made wild concoctions to über chic and classic wide-brimmed hats. Contests are held every year at Del Mar to establish a hierarchy among the various designs.  The 2011 winner certainly created an unconventional design that set her apart from the rest.


2011 Del Mar Hat Contest Winner

 At Recycled Rags, we carry a plethora of different hat styles in different colors. From royal wedding worthy fascinators to big wide-brimmed hats and everything in between.  We showcase some of the top hat designers in the nation, including Arturo Rios, Christine A. Moore Millinery New York, and Louise Green just to name a few.  Below is a small sampling of some of the hats currently available.  For more fab hat ideas visit us at and on facebook at

Be bold, be fabulous and let your personal style out with an amazing hat!!